Dec. 1st has arrived which means there’s no escaping the fact that it’s now 100%…THE HOLIDAYS!!! It’s not uncommon this time of year to hear people talk about the stress of THE HOLIDAYS. We here at Pink Monkey are wondering what all the fuss is about. When you look at it, over the next 31 days there really are only 4 Holidays that get any major attention. You’ve got Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Christmas, and New Year’s. Think of all the holidays that must feel so terribly left out.
Below is just a short list of holidays that occur between now and Dec. 31st that you likely would never have heard about. We don’t think that’s right and we are committed to raising awareness for malnourished holidays.
*All data for this list was found on so it must be true, right?
- National Ding-a-Ling Day
- Wear Brown Shoes Day
- International Civil Aviation Day
- Bathtub Party Day
- International Monkey Day (I’m not making this stuff up…)
Why haven’t you called us for your Bathtub Party Day party? Think of all the amazing design opportunities this holiday offers. Bathtubs everywhere!!! Rubber duckies and bubble bath abound!!! Terry cloth robes and slippers as far as the eye can see!!! The best part of this event is you wouldn’t have to waste anytime getting ready for it. Come dirty and leave clean. It just doesn’t get any better than that.
You get where we’re going with this, right? Don’t limit yourself to the obvious choices this Holiday Season. Be bold and be the first one on your block to host a National Ding-a-Ling Day party. I mean… #turnupthedingaling
If you’re not ready to embrace the lesser known holidays and consider yourself more of a traditionalist then don’t be shy about calling us. We’ll help you celebrate anything, and to prove we’re serious we are going to give the first person to call about their Bill of Rights Day party a free toaster.