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One of our favorite colors at Pink Monkey is… (wait for it) GREEN! While events can be fun, engaging, breathtaking, and romantic; some people feel that they can also be wasteful. We don’t believe that producing amazing events and environmental consciousness are mutually exclusive. Pink Monkey prides itself on the challenge of creating green events. After all our name isn’t Pink Monkey Problems… It’s Pink Monkey Solutions!

Many of the projects we work on are custom commissioned, meaning once the event is done, it will more than likely never be used again. We really wanted to identify a way to actively eliminate as much waste on our end as possible without affecting the quality of our designs. We asked ourselves “How can we make something that is totally unique to the event and our client but not necessarily unique to Pink Monkey?” That’s where the fun began. This question lead us right to the beginning of our design process. Instead of thinking how we could design an amazing custom piece for a project, we started looking at how that piece could be designed in a modular way that would allow for it to be fully customizable to each event, while at the core able to be deconstructed and reconstructed in a different configuration on a future project.. We have found by simply acknowledging the challenge and taking that step, we have greatly improved our environmental sustainability while also creating some incredibly versatile products.

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We haven’t stopped with just our custom pieces in our Go Green with Pink Monkey mission. We have taken the “how can we reduce our environmental impact?” question to all aspects of our process and we’ve been amazed at how easy it is to recycle, reduce, and reuse all while creating fresh and original events for our clients. It just takes a little thought, design, and creativity. So if you want to have an amazing event, but you’re concerned with how to do that while remaining environmentally conscious then give us a call and Go Green with Pink Monkey!